The Light

fctry_tools_sunbeam(It was misleading at first.)

The Light

The Light … was pure innocence
so shy, shrinking, intermittent
dim, diffused with soft edges
the Light remained contained
though, my eyes wide open

no mirage … initially friendly
a friend housed in my head
playful, peeking, hiding at times
now … gluttonous and engorged
ingesting souls and other crimes

it’s unlikely I’ll ever understand
or fathom how the Light evolved
from its embryo of co-existence,
ambivalence and mutual respect
to omnipotence, one-sided fear

noiseless, it escapes easily now
even with my eyes shut tight
The Light stalks ominous, obvious
less hiding in plain sight
luminosity expanding, exponential
so somehow … more day than night

startling, blinding, painful, searing,
magnificent, but pitiless and crude
again, bleeds boldly through today
and a presence I can’t elude

The Light, a brute force unimaginable
I’m resigned to it ending my sojourn
waiting, hand’s clenched, eyes closed
waiting the Light’s hunger to return

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